Sunday 9 February 2014

Eureka Explore Norwich Forum

Eureka members gathered at The Forum in the heart of Norwich last Friday. We met in the warmly welcoming Café Bar Marzano and had a chat and a catch-up over a cuppa. I then talked about how Emma Blake and I initially started the Eureka group three years ago in order to put the Five Ways to Wellbeing into action. Photography walking activates the Five Ways - Connect, Be active, Take notice, Keep learning, Give - seamlessly. We then had a bit of an audit among group members to see how we are using the Five Ways in our daily lives. 

It was heartening to find that everyone is getting into good habits for their heads. As I often remind folk, it's not just there for when you're struggling; banking some 'credit' in the 'bank account of the mind' is not only great insurance if you experience hard knocks, it helps us to live life more fully and to flourish. Also, this approach isn't just useful to help heal those who have experienced a mental health crisis, it is also there as a form of mind maintenance for those who are, currently, in a good place. 

Having had that discussion, we then went exploring the wonderful space of the Forum building. As we did so, Nick sat in the cafe and helped individual members load their recent images into their folders...

So while good old Nick contributed his 'give' to the group members, the rest of us wandered, camera in hand. Initially, many of us struggled a bit to engage creatively with this awesome modern setting. However, after a while Eurekarites were snapping away and many interesting shots ensued. We will be posting more at a later date, but, for now, here are some of my photographs from the day (please click on image in order to enlarge them)...

© Colin Howey 2014


  1. Very good mate and it's a very different type of photography you had to think out of the box and i think the results show how the Eureka club members can take great photos in any situation
    Thanks Nick

    1. Yes Nick, we were forced to really think, to actively engage with the space. I'm looking forward to seeing how other members interpreted it.

      Thanks once again for getting the shots archived. Top banana Mr B!

  2. No doubt, at least one of Jill's photos will feature a reflection of me on a shiny surface somewhere ;-)

  3. Thanks Colin for you kind words it was a pleasure to help the Eureka members out :)
